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Over the last three decades, our society has become incredibly technologically advanced and dependent. In fact, the vast majority of careers throughout the United States involves some sort of technology. In order for students to become successful individuals in our ever changing society, it is imperative that educators utilize technology in their lessons so that students can practice and eventually become fluent in the language of technology, whether that be typing, coding, creating presentation, or a plethora of other skills that are required in careers throughout the country. 

*Hover over this image to learn more

Combining Real World Skills and ELA Content

During our Story Elements Unit, students used the first week to demonstrate understanding of the elements of a story. The pictures below are of student application of that understanding during the second week. In this lesson, students crafted their own narratives after choosing a theme to write about. I was able to utilize technology during the writing process by not only having students type their own stories, but also in using instructional time to make strategic and immediate feedback on their stories using the Google Doc comment application. As soon as I typed any comment in student documents, they were able to read, analyze, and resolve my suggestions immediately. 

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This student took my suggestion of establishing a setting and created a more well rounded introduction for his narrative. Going forward, I'll continue to challenge him to use more sensory details, not just simple "sight" ideals, but sound, smell, and feel as well. 

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This student took my advice in the structuring of his sentence in order to make a more cohesive narrative. I then tasked him with going through the rest of his story to identify any other sentences he could change. 

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This student had an incredibly entertaining, albeit creepy, story. Like the previous student, she was able to take my suggestion of structuring her sentences into heart and quickly changed how she worded two sentences, making a more organic and fluid explanation of events within her story. 

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Creating Presentations

Another lesson in which I was able to utilize technology was during our Figurative Language Unit. For the knowledge week, students demonstrated their understanding of figurative language by taking a quiz in which they defined and identified each kind of figurative language. For the application week, students were encouraged to develop a deep understanding of that figurative language by collaboratively creating an interesting powerpoint presentation that  contained the six kinds of figurative language identified and discussed throughout the knowledge week. By having students create presentations using technology, I ensured that they had the foundational understandings of how to create a slideshow on a computer. As I have utilized slideshows in a variety of settings throughout my life, I knew that I wanted my fifth graders to demonstrate understanding of how to do so as well, so that they are able to meet 21st century learning expectations with success. 

The pair of students who created this presentation have a relatively dark sense of humor. When they stood at the front of the classroom and taught their classmates about the different kinds of figurative language, we also had a mini social emotional discussion on the application of humor and the role humor plays in regards to addressing depression and social well being. It was quite powerful, and led to a deeper understanding of social emotional health for many students. 

These students were able to utilize both written information and images that match the theme they chose. In creating examples of figurative language and seeking out and identifying images that also match the theme, these two demonstrated many 21st century learning skills that will be incredibly beneficial throughout their lives. 

This duo decided to utilize their understanding of "the psychology of colors" (their words!) to create a presentation that created emotional connections through the use of color. They chose to do this instead of using images because they believed it was more meaningful. In understanding how to use different fonts and colors to invoke meaning, these two students demonstrated mastery of not only foundational technological understandings, but also art standards!

Using Technology with Learning Games

In addition to facilitating student understandings of technological utilization, I also implement technology focused learning games. In this specific game, which was the culmination of our Figurative Language Unit, students played Figurative Language Jeopardy. By implementing technology based games, I am taking advantage of the novel of technology, facilitating deeper understandings of the content, and ensuring that students take joy in demonstrating said understandings. 


By implementing a variety of lessons that provide my students with opportunities to practice using technology, I am preparing them to be successful navigating our ever changing, constantly updating, society. By the time they get to high school, technology will absolutely have advanced even more, but I am providing my students with the foundational knowledge and strategies that will ensure that they will meet those changes and be able to adjust their own understandings and use of technology accordingly. Who knows, maybe they'll be driving forces for the change! 

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